Want to watch Netflix, read your Kindle, or play on your iPad, while you spend hours in your nursing chair? We get it, that’s why we have designed the Chelsea Electric Recliner Nursery Chair.
You can now enjoy the traditional style of our best-selling Chelsea Nursery Chair with the benefits and features of an electric recliner nursery chair.
The USB port allows you to bring a screen of your choice with you, so you’ll never be lonely during those long nights of feeding, soothing and settling your little one.
The electric recline function enables you to recline and sit up with ease with no effort required other than a simple press of a button. An electric recline nursery chair is ideal for those early weeks of feeding and especially for those who have had a c-section birth. This ever-so-comfortable Chelsea nursery chair also includes a smooth swivel motion and gently and effortlessly glides back and forth to help sooth your baby to sleep. Its ergonomic design will support your upper back and shoulders.
The Chelsea Nursery Chair offers a timeless design, and provides a safe space for both parents, babies and children to focus on more important things in life; to rest, cuddle and recharge, all in comfort and style.
We love styling our Chairs with the ever-so-gorgeous Tutti Bambini Nursery Furniture. You can shop their range you see with our nursing chair at tuttibambini.com